About VT Cosmetics

In - Vogue and Timeless

VT is a brand that accompanies your every day, creating trend-setting style and presenting timeless beauty.

Our skin is exposed to stress every day without our knowing.
Boosting basic strength to recover from stress—
this is the foundation of beauty VT pursues.
Our ingredients and products represent this value to provide timeless, beautiful lifestyle.

In - Vogue and Timeless


VT Cosmetics presents value beyond beauty with
high performance, easy-to-use, and satisfying products suitable for all ages, skin types, and ethnicities.
We are expending Reedle shot Line, aims to help absorption of cosmetics, repair fundamental skin condition, and boost benefits by using each reedle shot Start your Reedleshot Journey with us!


Find your type of exosome daiily skin care booster!

 Reedle Shot's micro-needling mechanism promotes instant skin enhancement for a smoother, softer feel. It's easy to apply and boosts absorption for moisturizers, replacing cumbersome treatments with a convenient, at-home solution!

Experience out Vegan PDRN to achieve instant radiance

VT's PDRN essence delivers a highly concentrated 100,000ppm PDRN solution to deeply nourish and enhance your skin's natural radiance. Specially designed for everyone, delivers enduring radiance and improves your skin's elasticity without any fragrance.